Everlasting Wedding Bouquet
This chic bouquet has the most exquisite paper roses, peonies and eucalyptus in a contemporary colour scheme and is tied together in a luxurious velvet ribbon.
An impressive gift for first anniversaries or special birthdays, this bouquets of cream and ivory flowers make it the perfect bouquet for modern yet non-traditional brides looking for something truly unique to walk down the aisle with. The best part? It can be kept forever even after the wedding.
The flowers and leaves are made from premium Italian crepe paper which has brilliant colours and a texture that mimics nature. I hand cut the petals and leaves from this paper then shape them one by one to create unique dimensions. I put them together into flowers and leaf stems into metal wires and some in plastic tubes covered in floral tape. After creating the individual blooms and foliage, I arrange them to form this bouquet and finally tied with a satin ribbon.
The bouquet is approximately 30cm tall and 30cm wide
To make these paper blooms last, keep away from direct sunlight and moisture. Use a soft brush to remove dust.
I’m happy to create bespoke pieces to breathe life into your botanical ideas. Final time frame and pricing will vary based on the requirements of the project. Get in touch: bloomsbybeam@gmail.com
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